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We inform you that your personal data will be stored in an automated computer file pertaining to SILICALIA, S.L. for the purpose of providing you with the service you are requesting, and that the said file is registered in the General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (www.aepd.es). Your personal data will be handled in compliance with all regulations concerning confidentiality, secrecy and other obligations as provided for under Spanish Basic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Protection of Data of a Personal Nature, for basic level data. You may exercise your rights to access, modify, cancel or oppose said data by writing to the following address: COMPAC. Travessera d’Albaida, 1. P.O. BOX 271- 46701 Gandía (Valencia) Spain, where requests (Ref.: Personal Data) will be attended to, or by using the following e-mail: lopd@compac.es
Similarly, by completing this request, you expressly consent to having your personal data notified to any company pertaining to the SILICALIA group and its collaborators for the purpose of maintaining its contractual relationship with you, and for sending commercial, promotional and/or advertising messages to you.