
‘The power of the skin’. Call for papers.

COMPAC The Surfaces Company and ARKRIT launch this call for papers in a joint research project that studies the theoretical and practical framework generated around the use of new coating materials and how they are influencing these innovations in contemporary architectural production. In first instance, it is intended to trace a map which will allow revising and organizing all what is happening in regard to this topic.

The aim for this call for papers is the publication of a research book containing the articles of the researchers that have properly dealt with the proposed research topic: The architectonic implications and architectural transformations of coating through new materiality in contemporary design.

The publication will have an international registration (ISBN) both in schools and in specialized media. A maximum of 15 articles will be selected which will be remunerated to the authors with the amount of 150€ per article selected.

Entrega de abstracts (300 palabras):
23:59h /// 09 FEB 2016 ///

Nicolás Maruri
Fernando Casqueiro
Rafael Pina
Quique Zarzo
For more information about the Call for Papers and guidelines about the abstracts and articles, please download the following documents: CALL FOR PAPERS